Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

five-way sexual gratification

Often, sex becomes the main topic in the warmth of the household, could be a spice terlejat for family harmony, but sometimes a disaster in the household mahligai.
Sexual satisfaction does not always mean penetration. Penetrate or enter the penis into the vagina is just one way of reaching your favorite pleasure in sex.
Even some of the young people, sexual activity without penetration is usually done for example in just a kiss, grope, or perhaps until the stage of oral sex.
For more details refer to the narrative Joel D Block, author of The Secret of Better Sex.
According to Joel D Block, sexual satisfaction can be obtained in several ways, namely:
1. Mutual masturbation. The husband and wife and stimulate each other masturbate each other or with each other can also see a couple masturbate.
2. Oral Sex. Many men and women who really liked this one activity. Although oral sex is sometimes used as a stage of foreplay before penetration but by Joel D Block, oral sex can be done separately.
3. Outercourse. Type of sexual activity is most often done by young couple who are still in the stages where the outer clothing may be separated but remain attached to clothing in the body.
4. Intermammary intercourse. Sexual activity is done by many people in Europe, where the penis in place between the two breasts and then rub it happens in the climax.
5. Femoral Intercourse. Similar to Intermammary, in this sexual activity penis is placed between the thighs rub couples later on but not until there is penetration.
Well, the five above alternatives can fuck you to test. Usefulness of many, you can feel young again and your sexual activity does not seem boring

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